Benin’s Art

” they admire and yet steal their art materials. Benin secret to their fascinating and alluring art works is for sure and then transparent. A renowed material in the creative art works of Benin city, has elevated Benin art to be recognized as the foremost known center for art and craft in Nigeria on the Global stage. Brass was briefly explored including its significance in oral tradition. Lets see these.

Oral Tradition of Brass.

Esteemed historian Jacob Egbaharevba contributes to the understanding of the Yrouba and Benin connection highlighting how Bini Oba commissioned Brass workers to create plaques for the royal court. They introduced brass making to Benin through lost wax method.

Trade for Brass.

Benin’s early, interaction with Europe was benefitting, not only in disseminating its art fame world wide but during the slave trade era, the Europeans connection increase quality and quantity of Benin artistic creation.

So since the fifteenth century, Benin has patronized brass for its artistry exemplified by Oba ogula’s support and Europeans who exchange brass for slaves. Shaping it artstic landscape through the exchange of goods.

Published by Vr

I write alot of stuff 📖

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