How A Double Amputee Oscar pistorius became a murderer.

A double Amputee Oscar pistorius on 14 February,2013, mistook his girlfriend for an intruder in his home. Shooting her through the toilet door.  Pistorius served nearly nine years of his 13 years and five months murder sentence for killing girlfriend Reeva steenkamp on a valentine day.

How Jenkins kenneka was Raped and Kept inside a freezer.

On September 10,2017, Jenkins kenneka body was found in a walk in a freezer at Crowne plaza hotel in Rosemont. Jenkins was caught on the hotel’s CCTV camera stumbling through the halls of the building and into a vacant kitchen with attached walk in fridge. where her body was later found . death photos ofContinue reading “How Jenkins kenneka was Raped and Kept inside a freezer.”

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